Friday, May 1, 2009


We are thrilled to receive 4 Q Salt Lake Fabby Awards as voted on by Q Salt Lake Readers. Thank you! We think you are Faaabulous!

Most Faaabulous Political Group
Equality Utah
Oh come on. Do we really need to say that it’s Equality Utah when pretty much all of you voted for them? Well, OK, we just did. And their efforts towards passing the Common Ground Initiative seem like a faaabulous enough reason to us.
2. The Inclusion Center/ HRC (tie)

Most Faaabulous Group to Receive Donations
Equality Utah
Do we really have to explain why this is Equality Utah yet again?
2. The Utah AIDS Foundation

Most Faaabulous Story
Common Ground Initiative
During this year’s legislative session, Equality Utah’s Common Ground Initiative dominated QSaltLake for several issues and appeared regularly in every news outlet in the state. It’s no wonder, then, that our readers picked it as our most faaabulous story. Now if only we can get those bills passed before our next issue. Hey, we can dream, right?
2. The November March on Temple Square
3. Jacin Tales

Most Faaabulous Queer Leader
Mike Thompson
Equality Utah is really sweeping our awards this year. We wondered if their Common Ground Initiative had something to do with it, but then realized it was probably just Mike Thompson’s faaabulous haircut.
2. Valerie Larabee/Logan Brueck (tie)

Other politically related categories:

Most Faaabulous Politician
Sen. Scott McCoy
Although he has a faaabulous haircut as well, we think he probably won your overwhelming support for tirelessly fighting to pass his Wrongful Death Amendments bill that would let unmarried partners sue in the event of a provider partner’s death. That and anyone who can deal with LaVar Christensen without screaming is just, simply, beyond faaabulous.
2. Rep. Christine Johnson
3. Rep. Jennifer Seelig

Most Faaabulous Straight Advocate
Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr. and Rep. Jennifer Seelig

He walked out on a limb and said that gays should have the right to get civil unioned. She authored a bill that would have given domestic partners rights of inheritance and medical powers. In the end, they’re both so faaabulous you couldn’t pick just one.